Juniper Berry Oil - 100% High Grade Essential Oil
(Juniperus communis)
Juniper Berry essential oil is a high quality steam distillation that has produced a very Clean/Clear Fresh, spicy, woody and crisp notes, with a peppery overtone. Juniper Berry oil is considered a middle note in perfumery. The essential oil extracted from the berries, is more superior than oil extracted from the twigs and needles.
Juniper Berry oil has a rich history of traditional uses and therapeutic benefits and perfumery. It's woody, spicy, yet fresh aroma has a calming effect that helps relieve tension and stress. When diffused, Juniper Berry oil is used to cleanse and purify the air. The juniper berry oil is extracted from dried, crushed or slightly dried ripe fruit by steam distillation. It has been used for centuries to treat infections, headaches, arthritis and contagious diseases.
Directions for Use:
Diffusion: Add a few drops of Juniper Berry Oil to your Aromatherapy Diffuser, Car Diffuser, or Diffuser Necklace for a soothing atmosphere for your nerves.
Topical Use: Add Juniper Berry Oil to your carrier oil of choice at a 2-4% dilution and apply topically as a skin serum or massage oil. For facial application, we recommend a 1% dilution.
Safety: Not to be Taken. Dilute prior to topical application on skin. Keep out of reach of children. Avoid during pregnancy and whilst breastfeeding. Avoid use by those with kidney disease. Ingestion of essential oils is NOT recommended for the general public.Patch test before use.