Pure Jasmin Perfume Oil
(Botanical Name: Jasminum sambac )
Jasmin Sambac has a very deep, rich fragrance that smells little overwhelming when smelt from the bottle but opens up to a natural jasmine fragrance once applied. It is extremely projective lasting days on clothing, we stopped counting after 3 days on fabric. It holds it's fragrance very consistently as time passes unlike synthetics which become foul after a while. This oil can be used with a diffuser and in soap/candle making.
Extracted from thousands of Jasmin flowers for hours of enjoyment. It takes approximately 8000 of the finest Indonesian Jasmin flowers to produce 1ml of this amazing natural fragrance.
One of our favourite essential oils for love, the sultry scent of Jasmin is said to work as an aphrodisiac for both men and women. The heady floral aroma promotes confidence and eases anxiety to create a sense of relaxation. Try a bit of this evocative scent on the inside of your wrists, behind your ears, and on other pulse points. Jasmin’s floral fragrance is warm and exotic and has been used throughout history for romance and attraction. Jasmin is also known as Mood Booster and Stress Buster.
Jasmin oil has a very Intense sweet aroma. Also known as The King of Flowers, Jasmine Oil is probably the most masculine of all floral aromas. It has a Relaxing, intoxicating, warming, great aphrodisiac and it reaches the heart and soul like no other oil can, releasing fear, distrust, and pessimism and bringing us into a state of inspiration, self-confidence, and loving warmth.
It physical beneficial properties include cleansing and balancing the skin, mental and spiritual benefits include calming fear, releasing feelings of depression and anxiety, and promoting self-confidence.
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* All perfumes should be kept out of reach of children and patch tested on skin before use.